TOPL Rules updated

We’ve discussed some updates to the TOPL rules to document process and procedures for electing SLOs, removing SLOs, and filling vacancies.  The rules page has been updated already, and the relevant sections are shown below.  If you have any feedback, or want to discuss these rules further, please use the comments on this post, or contact me directly if you’d rather do so in private. 

1.2.           Elections

Elections are carried out by secret ballot online every two calendar years, and correspond with the nearest end of season playoffs. The current SLOs are responsible for appointing a Chief Returning Officer (CRO) to oversee the election. The CRO may not run for an elected position, but may be a current elected SLO should they decide not to run for another elected position or term. The CRO will notify all league members that an election is due at least three weeks before the playoffs of the season the election is happening in. Potential candidates for President, Scorekeeper, or Treasurer will need to make their intent to run for an elected position known no later than one week before the election date, after which voting will be open for a minimum of four days before the playoffs. Members may choose to proxy their votes to another eligible member if they so choose.

1.3.           Eligibility

Any member who has a valid percentage for either of the two seasons directly preceding the election may vote, and may choose to run for any of the elected positions. Members may not run for more than one position in the same election. There are no limits on the number of terms one member may serve in a position, either consecutively or non-consecutively.

1.4.           Removal of an SLO

If a situation arises where an SLO is found to be grossly incompetent, corrupt, or otherwise unfit to continue to perform their function, league membership may force their early removal. A petition signed by 50% of the current or prior season’s active members (i.e. members with valid percentages) presented to the other SLOs will trigger an immediate referendum on removal of the SLO. This will be carried out in the same manner as a regular election, albeit with one of the other SLOs acting as the CRO. The SLO will be removed from their position in the case of a vote in favour of removal by 2/3 of the eligible voters. Should this occur, the remaining SLOs will take over the removed SLO’s duties until a suitable replacement can be found via a byelection. Byelections proceed in the same manner as a regular election, with the exception that the CRO may choose to condense the timeframes in the interest of filling the vacancy more quickly.

If there is less than three months remaining in the current term, the remaining SLOs may choose to appoint a league member to fill a vacancy instead of holding a byelection, however every effort should be made to keep three SLOs active at all times.

If a situation arises where an SLO voluntarily resigns, then the provisions above for a byelection will apply.

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