Thanks to Andrew for hosting this week, and also thanks to JRF for helping out with the scores while I was out sick. This brings another regular season to an end, and the scores for the season are up. After a strong finish at both PAPA and the IFPA championships, it surprised nobody that Adam won the season, but with strong finishes from Jack, Barry, John, Steve, and Josh, all with over 140 adjusted points. Adam wins a replay into next season for taking the season champ spot, and another plaque on the trophy. Adam also took the lead in the final High Score champ competition that we’re tracking. For most improved, Ian Glasner ended up keeping the top spot with 12.19%, so congrats to Ian, who wins a replay for next season as well.
Just a reminder that playoffs are this Sunday, Apr 24 at Pete’s. Doors open at 10:30, and we’re starting match play at 11 and going for 20 rounds. As usual, when you get there, you’ll need to sign in (with Chris or Adam), and pay Luch your $15 host fee. For those that are eligible for the B division, let us know you that you want to play B when you sign in. Remember that in order to play in B, you need to have a valid percentage for the season, and have not placed in the top 3 in A for at least 9 seasons. If we have enough players, we’ll run a B playoff with a separate prize pool for the top 4 B players (everyone plays everyone else in match play). Playoffs are open to all, but non-members need to pay a $50 registration fee.
The next season starts on Monday May 2 at Scott’s warehouse in the bluffs, and will be the first season where we start tracking using the new handicap system in parallel to the regular points totals.
Have a great week everyone, and we’ll see you all on Sunday. It should be a great day of pinball!