Welcome to the start of another TOPL season! First, a huge thanks to Luch for hosting this week, which is always one of the busiest weeks of the year. We had a good number of regulars come out, as well as a couple of folks we hadn’, but what was unprecedented was the number of new players we had this week. Usually, there are one or two new people in a week, and maybe a group of three or four, but this week we had eight new players out for their first TOPL week (although to be fair, Andrew made it to playoffs). So welcome to Mike, Julian, Mario, Josh, Andrew, Jeff, Mandle, and Glen-it was great that you all made it out, and hopefully you had a good time. Remember that your league fees cover you for the entire season, which runs from now until the playoffs in July (tentatively scheduled for July 19). The only money you’re on the hook for week to week is the host fee ($10), so enjoy the season!
High scores this week went to:
Which makes a seven way tie for the high score trophy so far:
Here’s the full scores for the week, and the standings so far:
Next week we’re playing at Kim’s place-hope to see everyone there!
And new guy Jeff with a 16 on his first night! I expect 16’s every night going forward
Wanted to also extend my welcome to everyone, I’m sorry I missed the league night, but I’m sure you all preferred I didn’t attend rather then infect you all with my current cold.
Hope we continue to see you out in the future everyone!
Adam Becker
TOPL President
Great first night out! Thanks again to Luch for hosting, and I will be out as much as possible this season.
Played surprisingly well and shocked myself with my standing.
Adam, I hope to maybe knock you down to a 15 at least once this season…. At least I want to try
big bone markham 180 bullock dr 6 pm monday the 30th , who’s in?