Thanks to Nick for hosting the last league night of the season! The final season results are up here, and John came extremely close to tying Adam for the season points total. Close doesn’t count though, so Adam takes the season champ trophy again. This also gives us the first season with results for the handicap system, and it looks like the system is working. Congrats to David Newman, who not only took the lead in that race, but in most improved as well! That means he gets both trophies, and a replay into next season.
Playoffs are coming up on Sunday at Adam’s place, and doors open at 10:30. We’re aiming for an 11:00 start for match play rounds. As before, there’ll be an A and B division for playoffs-I’ll send out more details later in the week once we finalize eligibility.
Thanks to everyone who made it out this season, and see you on Sunday. Remember that playoffs are an open event, so if anyone wants to drop in and get a full day of competitive pinball, they’re more than welcome to come out. League nights for the start of next season have also been posted to the Yahoo and Facebook calendars.