“Mystery Score” T-Shirt Giveaway – Sponsored by Eddie D’Orazio & The DRAPL

First and foremost before I introduce everyone to the new initiative we are going to try I want to thank Eddie for his generous donation of $300 to the League to help fund the purchase of these shirts.  Without Eddie’s donation it would not have been possible for us to be able to offer this to the membership, so please if you get a chance thank Eddie if you see him in person, attend a DRAPL league night (details here http://www.drapinballleague.com/) or send him an email expressing your gratitude.

So without further ado I would like to introduce the Toronto Pinball League Mystery Score T-Shirt Giveaway.

The concept is simple, just like a mystery score on a pinball machine, a 5 or 6 digit mystery score will be written down on a sheet of paper and sealed in an envelope before the start of league night.  The only person who will know the score will by myself (which will obviously mean I am ineligible to participate).

The player who’s last 6 or 5 digits on any machine that was played during league play that is closest to the score written down on the paper will get 1 of the TOPL Grey Colored T-Shirts for Free!

We are not going to set a schedule for when these giveaways will be happening but we will make sure that we announce when we are doing them at least 2 weeks in advance to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to attend.

So with that in mind I would like to announce that the first Mystery T-shirt giveaway will take place on Monday May 25th at Luch’s place!

I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Adam Becker

President – Toronto Pinball League

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