Another Successful Season is done thanks to both Hosts and Players for making it a awesome Winter Season. We went out with a bang with all 25 Players winning a prize by Random draw thanks to all our sponsors for the great support. Here are s few pictures of some of the great prizes that were given out this evening
Every Member gets a prize so here are the prizes drawn for the members unable to attend this evenings playoffs
Andrew Palangio wins a Galaxy Backglass from CPR
Max Anshilevich wins a Pinball T-Shirt
John Zaharatos wins a Pinsound Headphone Station from Pinsound

Now on to the main Event the Winners of both A and B Division Playoffs
Thanks to Shane and Maple Pinball for hosting our playoffs
A Division Winners Congrats to Ian for pulling out the win on Taxi
1. Ian Glasner
2. Josh Zilderberg
3. Chris Bardon
4. Jeff Hershberg

B Division Winners Awesome Job to Laura on crushing it in the Playoffs !
1. Laura Edward
2. Shane Jackson
3. Joe Bauman
4. Jim Wilks

On behave of the entire team Chris, Mike and Myles hope to see you all next week at Jim’s house for another exciting Season.
We will be making some small changes with expanding our games from 4 to 5 as well as changing the scoring for 3 player groups to 7,4,1. Thanks to Eddie for offering to help with the League in getting new prizes and giveaway items for the coming Season.