Winter 2019-Scores for week 6

Thanks to Adam for hosting this week!  Despite the snow, we still had a good turnout up in Keswick, and hopefully everyone got where they needed to be safely.  Scores are up on the PAPA site, and we’ve got 9 points separating the top 10 players, so things are still reasonably close, but there’s still a lot of season left to play. 

We’re back at Nick’s place next week-hopefully we’re past the worst of the winter storms, and we can get back to normal driving conditions for pinball.  Have a great week everyone!

Winter 2019-Scores for week 5

Thanks to Kim for hosting this week!  Sorry that scores are a little late going up, but as you probably noticed, both Newman and I were away last week, which left Luch on his own (although thanks to Myles for helping out with the groups).  Scores are up in the usual place though

Just a reminder that there’s no pinball on Feb 18 because of the Family Day stat.  We’re back on the 25th at Adam’s place.  Have a great long weekend everyone, and see you in a week!

Winter 2019-Scores for week 4

Thanks to Scott and the crew at the Pint for hosting us this week!  Scores are up on the PAPA site.  For those that were wondering, we’ll still be able to finish out this season, since we had an extra couple of weeks at the end of April beyond when we’d normally finish, so cancelling last week didn’t really throw things off.  I thought it might be a possibility, and I’m glad we had the space, since getting up to Nick’s last week would have been challenging.  We’re back up there a couple of times later this season, so no worries there. 

We’re back to Kim’s place next week though, and then off the week after for Family Day.  Have a great week everyone!

Winter 2018-scores for week 2

Thanks to Walt for hosting us at Bluffs this week!  Scores are up on the PAPA site as usual.  It was also great to see some more new members this week-hopefully everyone keeps coming out for the rest of the season. 

Next week we’re out at Jim’s place, and if you haven’t been, it is certainly worth the drive west.  Have a great week everyone!

ToPL Winter Playoffs 2018!…

ToPL Playoffs at the Player One Showroom!

Thank you to all of our great ToPL Members for coming out and making our season and playoffs such a success! Big thanks to Jerry Power and Player One for not only hosting us with a lot of great new games to play, but also for contributing a pizza and a lot of great prizes! Jerry and Player One have gone above and beyond for us! Thanks also to Myles, Jason, Chris Draper, Andy McNab, Charles, John Clegg, Luch and others that came early and helped set up games, computers, food and seating!

Our dinner was catered by Sofra Mediterranean Cuisine  of Richmond Hill. They did a great job for us!


Running the tournament software for the first time on your own really makes you appreciate those who normally take care of that element of the Playoffs, so as he was unable to attend, Chris Bardon was truly missed – and thank you for getting it mostly set up for us! While the tournament got off to a slower start as we were trying to figure out the software, we gained our footing and things went quite smoothly.

We’ve noted some areas for improvement in future playoffs, such as minimizing 3-player groupings, having A and B banks of pins, and having top seed order selection.







Congratulations to our ‘A’ Division finalists!

1st place: Steven Machado
2nd place: Mike Cuzzupe
3rd place: John Zaharatos
4th place: Andrew Aiken


Congratulations to our ‘B’ Division finalists!

1st place: Terry Melnyk
2nd place: Victor Vetro
3rd place: Josh Zilberberg
4th place: Kim Darowski


Steve really had his focus and managed to win the season and the playoffs! Congratulations Steve!



On behalf of the leadership of the Toronto Pinball League, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We look forward to seeing you all next season starting on January 7th at Luch’s!

David Newman
President – Toronto Pinball League

Fall 2018-Scores for week 13

First off, thanks to Nick for hosting this week, and also thanks to Jerry and Player1 for the loan of the Beatles game for the night.  Scores for the week are up on the PAPA site, and I had to double check the math, but Steve Machado is the season champ!  Congratulations to Steve, who won the season despite missing 2 weeks mid-season.  Mike Cuzzupe picked up the Handicap award with a pretty decisive lead, and also the Most Improved trophy with an impressive 15.9% bump over previous seasons.  Steve and Mike both earn replays into next season!

Next week is our playoffs tournament at Player One.  Doors open at 6, and there’ll be food out by 6:30, so no need to go for dinner beforehand.  The playoff tournament will start at 7:30.  Hope everyone can make it!

The Toronto Pinball League