Category Archives: News

Scores and standings-week 5

Another record turnout for a location this week, with 33 players crowding into my basement for pinball.  It’s great to see so many people out, and despite the numbers, things still moved pretty well, with only a couple of minor malfunctions in stuck balls and a light bulb coming falling into the trough on Spider-Man and wreaking havoc with the optos in there. 

Also, just a quick reminder to everyone to make sure you sign in when you get to the location for a league night.  The sign in sheet will usually be somewhere obvious, and if you don’t see it, ask Chris, Luch, or Adam.  Making sure to sign yourself in makes things much easier for us when putting groups together, and it means we can get going much faster.  The sheet is ordered by the point total from the last time you were out, so if you have a hard time finding your name, try to remember what your total was the previous week. 

Continue reading Scores and standings-week 5

Scores and standings week 4

We had a great turnout at Nick’s this week, with 34 people showing up to play, which is great to see.  Lots of regulars, lots of new regulars, and three more new members, who were a little awestruck at Nick’s collection of games (with good reason), so welcome to Richard, Harry, and Jeff!  Hope to see you guys out for the rest of the season.  And of course, thanks again to Nick for hosting all of us and keeping everyone fed (with an assist from samosa man Kev). 

This week’s high scores went to:

Continue reading Scores and standings week 4

Community Spotlight – InPlay Family Fun Center


I wanted to take a moment and recognize a family fun center that has been kept running by the sheer determination of one of the founding members of the Toronto Pinball League.

InPlay now with 2 locations, one in Newmarket and one in Barrie was started by Sarah Brown, I want to say some 10 years ago now.  It is a great location that the league used to visit until we out grew the location.  My last visit, Sarah was still keeping the pinball spirit alive with Medieval Madness, Cirqus Voltaire and Monster Bash at her Newmarket location.

We wish Sarah continued success in her venture and if you are ever in need of a location for a party you should give InPlay a look. 

Scores and Standings-week 2

Thanks to Kim for hosting another great TOPL week.  Many of the new people from last week made it out again this time around, so we had a solid 31 players for Kim’s large collection. 

High scores this week went to several people who weren’t Adam:


Congratulations to Mario and Glen for getting their first high scores! 


Here’s the full scores for the week, and the current standings.  Still lots of time left for things to change.



We’re taking next Monday off for Easter weekend, but we’re at Andrew’s the week after that.  Have a great long weekend, and see everyone in a couple of weeks!

Scores and standings-Week 1

Welcome to the start of another TOPL season!  First, a huge thanks to Luch for hosting this week, which is always one of the busiest weeks of the year.  We had a good number of regulars come out, as well as a couple of folks we hadn’, but what was unprecedented was the number of new players we had this week.  Usually, there are one or two new people in a week, and maybe a group of three or four, but this week we had eight new players out for their first TOPL week (although to be fair, Andrew made it to playoffs).  So welcome to Mike, Julian, Mario, Josh, Andrew, Jeff, Mandle, and Glen-it was great that you all made it out, and hopefully you had a good time.  Remember that your league fees cover you for the entire season, which runs from now until the playoffs in July (tentatively scheduled for July 19).  The only money you’re on the hook for week to week is the host fee ($10), so enjoy the season!

High scores this week went to:

Continue reading Scores and standings-Week 1

Playoff results-March 2015

Thanks again to Adam and Denise for hosting everyone for the playoffs at their place this past weekend, and for keeping the food coming through the day.  It was a hard fought tournament with 20 rounds of match play, so everyone had a great day of pinball on a wide variety of really tough games.  The earlier start and time change didn’t seem to deter anyone, and we didn’t have any late arrivals who missed out on changing their clocks, so the 21 players who showed up were there for all 20 rounds.  At the end of qualifying, here’s how things stood:

Continue reading Playoff results-March 2015

Scores and Standings: Week15

Thus ends another season of the Toronto Pinball League!

Thanks as always to Jim for opening up his amazing collection of machines for the league to enjoy!

A small turn out for the final night, but not unexpected as most things are already firmed up before the final league night.

High scores this week went to:


Bringing the final totals for the season to:


In the most improved race Congratulations to Tim Sanderson for being the Most Improved player for this TOPL Season!  Tim will get possession of the most improved trophy for the entirety of next season as well as a “Replay” for the next season!


Here are the results from the final week and final standings:


